Since we are not in control of how we where brought into the world and the ways of our parents, we are however in control of what we chose to carry forward or not. Our instinct to protect our family lineage is scientific in pro creation but as we grow we learn that we are not our parents. We may inherit their geneticly beautiful good looks or slight habits that are arguably learned behavior but who we are is unique to anyone else on earth. We are not our parents or grandparents we are ourselves.
They say as we heal ourselves we heal all that came before us.
As we honor our lineage and those who paved the way for us, we must also embrace ourselves to build new patterns or break the old patterns. We have the power within us to become who you truly are and carry forward good generational patterns. You true authentic self requires your awareness to not compare yourself to anyone, even your own family. As we can carry forward the wonderful traditions that have so much meaning in your ancestry we also must learn to let go of anything that no longer aligns with serving your higher purpose, which we believe is to be your authentic self.
We learn how to love from our parents love. If you did not receive the safe pure love of your parents, there is a chance that they never received it either. We can’t spend a lifetime blaming our parents but we can take responsibility for our own lives and learn better ways of life.
What can you do to change what was dealt to you? Re learn love. Don’t repeat all the choices your parents made, repeat the good ones and learn to make better choices. If only love was a subject in school. That’s where self education comes into your life. Learn how to love yourself the way you always needed to be loved. Self Love will allow you to love others in a healthier way. What you might begin to discover when you start the journey to love yourself is you begin taking care of your physical health by eating better, exercising how you want; protecting your mental peace by setting boundaries, not tolerating what hurts you, embracing what serves you which can evolve constantly; and your spiritual health will align with your beliefs whichever are right for you as you evolve and grow on your journey of loving your authentic self.
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Isabel Miller
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